AE van Elst Projects

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#eth #btc #sol #solana #ton #etf ...

#eth #btc #sol #solana #ton #etf ...

The power of music is that it strengthens the emotional experience of images. It’s important to have a good sense of what images need to create a symbiosis. This is reflected in project ‘Different’.
The song `Different` is featured on our album `The Painter` which is available on Bandcamp and popular streaming services.

Project Different - Mario Heinzberger
Vocals & Lyrics - Walkyri
Video editing - Martin Pluimers
Music - AEvanElstProjects

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Time for our weekly update: 28-04-2023

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Every now and then moments of `reflections` pass by.

Proud to announce our latest composition (piano).
You can find it on Bandcamp, please copy this link in your browser.

You can check out a new song on our YouTube channel; copy this link in your browser:

``For us music is the ideal motivator to create stories, it is a portal to a state of endless possibilities. These can be about experiences (the past), everyday things (the present) or your dreams (the future).

Our aim is to encourage you to experience this state of consciousness within yourself.``

As we walked around Bryce Canyon we were struck by the sheer beauty that surrounded us. Nature treated us to one breathtaking scene after another. The indelible experience and emotions have led to this custom composed music.

Check out on our YouTube channel (copy this link in your browser).

Our creative workspace! ...

Good memories to our first cd project `First Light` ...

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